UFOs vs UAPs

UFO is an initialism for Unidentified Flying Object. In the simplest terms, a UFO is a mysterious and unclassified object that has been observed in the sky, usually at night.

UAP is an initialism for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon. According to the US Air Force Declassification Office (n.d.), many scientists and governments prefer UAP to UFO. There are two main reasons for the shift towards the use of UAP. There are two main reasons for the shift towards the use of UAP.

Partially redacted FBI letter regarding UFOs.

First, the term UFO is often associated with conspiracy theories. Sometimes, conspiracy theories end up being true. However, most of the time, they are false and based on unscientific evidence. Therefore, the term UAP is an attempt to destigmatize the reporting and study of these phenomena.

Secondly, UAP offers a more broad definition of UFO. Unlike UFOs, UAPs include more than just unknown objects in the sky. Originally, UAPs stood for Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. However, Ariel was later changed to Anomalous to expand the term to include observations occurring in the sky, underwater, and in outer space and to align with the National Defense Authorization Act (NASA, (n.d.). Additionally, UAP sightings not only include objects but can also include more general observed events. These events can be observed visually or through the use of technology like radar.

UAP may now be the preferred term, but this website will primarily use the term UFO. This is because UFO is the most commonly known and used term.


Airforce Declassification Office. (n.d.). UFOs.https://www.secretsdeclassified.af.mil/Top-Flight-Documents/Unidentified-Flying-Objects/

FBI. (1947). (n.d.).Memo about Flying Disc sighting in Washington. [Photograph]. https://vault.fbi.gov/UFO

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (n.d.). UAP FAQs. https://science.nasa.gov/uap/faqs/